
Sunday, January 23, 2022


Choosing a crib now is definitely easy to worry about. Especially for those who have just been blessed with their eldest son and daughter. As a parent, you definitely want to give your child the best-including making sure the bed is safe and comfortable. Always monitor your baby, but it is important to choose a crib that is relatively safe with minimal monitoring. So here are the features of a crib that is safe for children so you don't make the wrong choice:

Try buying a crib that meets new or up-to-date standards

Like technology, crib makers continue to innovate on safety issues. Many babies who are injured because they fall out of bed or are allergic to the materials used make the job of a crib maker difficult. Buying the latest bedding is the most ideal option as it guarantees your baby's safety.

New cribcdn.shopify.com

Very limited budget? If forced to buy second-hand goods, Kania recommends buying a crib with furniture within 3-4 years. The US government also advises parents not to buy used cribs. Even if a parent or one of the parties sells a used crib, they will take firm action. Yes, it's even illegal to buy or sell with this!

Pay attention to safe crib models

If you are busy now browsing Crib, surely you've seen a crib model with side rails that can be opened and closed (Dropside crib). It looks very interesting because you can easily clean the mattress and lay your baby down without bending too much. But is the model safe? necessarily!

Safe crib modelpinterest.com

Bed model, according to the US Consumer Safety Commission Drop side It is dangerous for children. Misassembly and installation can jeopardize the safety of a child's life. This is also related to the age at which the child grows or stands up. If the side rails of your baby's bed are lowered and shortened, you may fall. Therefore, there seems to be no special prohibition in Indonesia, but it is better to choose a sturdy and stable model.

Remove plastic from crib mattress

Remove the plastic crib mattresscdn.shopify.com

The impression may be trivial, but less important, but the plastic that covers the mattress can also be dangerous to your baby. The bed will later be covered with sheets, but remove the plastic from the mattress.

Read again: 17 fun bunk beds to reassure your room

Not only is it uncomfortable, but it is also possible for a child to accidentally touch the edge of the sheet. Exposure to non-sanitary plastics can exacerbate your baby's sensitive skin. You certainly want to avoid this, right?

Make sure the distance measurement from the trellis around the crib is safe

Trellis distance cribHirerush.com

Perhaps one of the biggest concerns parents have when it comes to cribs is the fear of their children getting caught between the bars. The distance between one bar and the other bars should not exceed 23/8 inches. This size is a standard size that does not fit your baby's body.

If the babies' beds bars are too far apart, the fear is that their bodies and heads are pinched. Yes, when children are active, they usually try to get out of bed.

Trellis distance cribwearetop10.com

In addition to ensuring the distance between the bars, make sure that your baby's crib bar is sturdy. The texture of the crib should not be ignored, especially if the material is made of wood. You don't want your child to get hurt, right?

Do not leave pillows, blankets or dolls in the crib

Now for this one business, adjust it according to the age of your child. If you have a lot of movement, it's best not to leave pillows, blankets, and dolls on your baby's bed. why? These items can be dangerous to your child's safety.

If the child moves a lot, bed pillows and blankets may cover the child's face while sleeping. If not opened in a hurry, these children can have difficulty breathing.

Do not leave the baby blanket pillow onmedia.safebee.com

Therefore, if you want your child to feel comfortable, adjust directly to the temperature of the air conditioner. Also, if you still want to give your baby a blanket, use a thin, soft baby blanket. Also note the size of the blanket. Avoid getting caught in the blanket when your child is sleeping.

Avoid allergies and make sure your baby's bed is free of peeling paint

Paint Allergy Peeling Avoid Cribsres.cloudinary.com

Have you ever heard of a baby who is allergic to bedding? Yes, such cases are genuine. Now, to prevent this from happening to your child, make sure the crib you want or buy isn't stripped of paint.

Apart from being related to allergy problems, another concern is that these ingredients can be swallowed by children. I don't know what effect this can have, but it's a good idea to prevent this from the beginning.

Read again: 10 kids room designs to make your kids smarter

Now, this is especially true for those who want to change the original paint color of their baby's bed to a lighter color.In addition to paying attention to the paint used, you also need to check the stage Finish From this picture.

Choose the best mattress thickness for your baby's crib

Apart from softening the bed, the thickness of the mattress is also one of the main factors to consider when buying a crib. Make sure the baby mattress you choose is relatively thick.

Well, how to measure it is easy! If your hands can easily grab or grab the sides of the mat, it means that the mattress is too thin for your child. In general, crib mattresses do not exceed 6 inches in thickness.

Crib mattressjonsguide.org

For overall size issues, you need to adjust directly to the size of the crib. Oh yeah, for this you need to buy a new mattress to ensure the hygiene of the crib itself.

Read again: 10 bunk bed designs for small rooms

Now, do you understand the characteristics of a crib that is safe for children? If you don't have a chance to see the crib directly because it's blocked by your busy schedule, you can buy it at Decorma!

In addition to selling cribs, Decorma also offers a variety of kitchen utensils. Decorma sells jars, cookie cutters, frying pans and dishwashing racks. It 's very perfect, is n't it? Find all your home needs with Decorma!

Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/53458/ciri-tempat-tidur-bayi-aman

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